Lip + tongue tie
Tethered oral tissues (TOTs) are soft tissues in the mouth that could impact how your babies use their mouth. Most common TOTs that you may have heard are lip and tongue ties, although there could also be some around the cheeks. The presence of these TOTs (or frenulum) do not necessarily mean that they are tied. A true tie is defined as the TOTs leading to limited function, be it speech, feeding or breathing.
We see lip and tongue frenulum that are obvious but cause no functional issues with feeding and speech. On the other hand, there are sometimes hidden ties that do cause functional issues. That’s why we work collaboratively with lactation consultants and speech therapists/pathologists to accurately diagnose the functional effects of the frenulum that need help and treat them accordingly.
At Glow, Dr. Fran uses a soft tissue diode laser to help babies and children with lip, tongue and cheek ties. The use of the laser allows us to perform frenectomies (revision of TOTs) with minimal discomfort and very little bleeding.