Becoming a parent is an exciting and overwhelming experience. There’s lots to learn, and you’ll rely on your local health professionals to help guide you in protecting your child for the years ahead. Proactively learning about dental health for babies is the next best step you can take to give them a happy, healthy connection with their teeth and gums.
As a guide on your journey as a new parent, our latest post presents several pediatric dental health tips for the coming months of early childhood.
Build a Cleaning Routine Early
Carefully cleaning your child’s teeth and gums from an early age can help them become used to the cleaning process and seamlessly adapt when they visit a pediatric dentist. Dentists recommend you start cleaning your newborn’s gums at two-to-three months with a wet, warm cloth. The rinsing process will help remove food particles and sugars, which might otherwise damage gum tissue and impact the growth of baby teeth.
Don’t Put the Baby to Bed with a Bottle
If you put your baby to bed while they’re drinking milk from a bottle, the milk may stay in contact with their mouth and coat their teeth and gums. The lack of saliva production at night while they sleep and their still-developing immune health means babies are even more susceptible to damage from bacteria. The sugars in the milk may cause early decay of baby teeth, and so make sure the baby has finished drinking the bottle before putting them to bed.
Prevent the Spread of Bacteria
Dental decay is an oral health issue primarily caused by bacteria. Try to limit contact between the bacteria in your mouth and theirs. Avoid sharing utensils with your baby when possible. Never test the temperature of a water bottle with your mouth. Following these practices can help you avoid spreading potentially harmful bacteria to your baby.
Learn the Signs of Teething
At around six months of age, your child will start teething, and you may recognize the following signs and symptoms:
- Irritability
- Low grade fever
- Diarrhea
- Rashes from drool around the mouth
- Excessive chewing
These symptoms are usually a perfectly normal phase of tooth and gum development. However, if you have any questions or concerns, your local pediatric dentist will happily answer your questions and welcome your baby for an examination if required.
Book a Pediatric Dentist Appointment by Age 1
By your baby’s first birthday, they should see a pediatric dentist to check their oral health and ensure their teeth and gums are developing well. During your first appointment with the pediatric dentist, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about any particular oral health symptoms your baby may be experiencing.
FAQ on Baby Dental Care
Below are some common questions new parents have when caring for their child’s teeth and gums.
Why Are Baby Teeth Important to a Child’s Development?
Baby teeth not only allow your baby to chew and consume a greater variety of foods as they grow, but they’re also a placeholder structure for their primary teeth, allowing adult teeth to form when they erupt.
What are the Common Signs of a Dental Problem for Babies?
Proactively recognizing the signs your baby is experiencing an oral health issue can help minimize time before treatment. Watch for the following:
- Teeth bleeding
- Persistent high grade fever
- White spots on the lips, which could indicate a cavity
- Teeth change colour after a bump
Call the Glow Pediatric Dentistry team if you believe your child is experiencing the preceding oral care issues.
When Should I Start Flossing My Baby’s Teeth?
When your baby has two teeth that touch, you should floss their teeth to remove food particles and other debris stuck in the gaps between their teeth. Speak with your local pediatric dentist about the most effective way to floss your baby’s teeth while minimizing discomfort.
Turn to Glow Pediatric Dentistry: Specialists in Dental Care for Babies
With offices in Langley, Richmond, and Abbotsford, BC, Glow Pediatric Dentistry helps new parents understand the vital importance of proactive dental care for babies. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s dental development, contact our offices today to book a consultation with a highly experienced local children’s dentist.